Materials and services for educators, students and families.
Materials and services for educators, students and families.
The purpose of the Teacher to Teacher Roundtable is to promote professional collaboration between teachers from public and private schools that serve a diverse population of students. Teachers meet monthly to discuss problems in practice, curriculum and other topics as determined by the group.
The LD Teacher Consortium provides a professional support network through which teachers can share best practices, explore common challenges and develop as professionals who serve students with learning differences. The consortium is open to mainstream and SPED teachers.
This workshop is designed to help teachers to plan, develop and improve upon curriculum. It is divided into grade level and content area groups and is inclusive of public and private school teachers. This interactive, teacher driven workshop focuses on lesson planning, sharing curriculum and aligning lessons with standards.
Team development for teachers interested in developing and sharing open educational resources in the content areas. The particular focus of this group is to create curriculum that is open source and is accessible to a culturally diverse population. Ideally, the lessons produced could be shared with an international audience.
So much professional development comes trickling down from the top. What about your classroom? What kind of support do you need to ensure your students are at the edge of their learning? We'd like to hear from you. Share your needs, questions and stories with our online Teacher's Choice Community.
What would you like to see in the Teacher to Teacher Network.
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