Materials and services for educators, students and families.
Materials and services for educators, students and families.
Leading the Educational Revolution
Grade range: 7-13
Location: San Jose, California
Teacher/Student Ratio: 1:4
Average Class Size: 10
Tuition: $35k
Renaissance Learner Academy is a small, comprehensive high school that implements innovative academic and social learning models, applies brain research and learning theories in the classroom, and emphasizes exploratory educational experiences.
Our day school program for quirky, adventurous learners is noted for small classes, academic engagement, community, and personalized support for neurologically diverse learners.
RLA’s program develops academics through integrated, hands-on projects, and strengthens resilience and independence through engaging life skills, teamwork, and community.
Renaissance Learner Academy is a project of Learning Farm Educational Resources.
Our mission is to provide an educational experience that is relevant, challenging and personalized for each learner.
Our vision is to empower students to become independent, self-actualized learners by teaching them how they learn best.
Student Profile:Students at RLA appreciate working with teachers who really care about them and work hard to understand how they learn best. They may not have had great success in traditional school settings but thrive in personal areas of interest or when they are surrounded by a warm and accepting community.
Note about Learning Differences:The staff at RLA have extensive experience teaching and parenting students with learning differences including ASD, NLD, ADD/ADHD, Executive Function, Dyslexia, and other specific language-based LDs. At RLA we focus academic work around high-interest and high-engagement topics and projects. We focus on student strengths over defining deficits.
Renaissance Learner Academy and Learning Farm Educational Resources, Inc does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, pregnancy, disability, age, ancestry, marital status, citizenship, sexual orientation, or status as a veteran. This nondiscrimination policy covers admission, employment, access, and participation in Learning Farm programs and activities.